What is Literacy for a Lifetime (LFL)?
It is a funds-matching program. If a school/library/organization has any grant, donated, or fundraised money and they spend a minimum of $200 with us, we will match it with 50% MORE IN FREE BOOKS. The whole order is also FREE SHIPPING. Fundraised money can be from a PTO fundraiser or even money raised from another company's book fair!
Is there a cap on how much can be matched?
NO...we can match $200 with another $100 in free books & we can match $10,000 with another $5,000 in free books, etc.
Is there a limit to the number of times an organization can participate in the LFL program?
NO...they can place LFL orders as often as they like.
How do I place the order?
On the Order Type screen in OrderPro, choose LFL. On the Select Books screen, put all the books they are purchasing in as Retail Books and their free books in as Free Books. You can submit the order through OrderPro. However, you will also need to fax in the LFL Grant Information Form which explains where the money came from (name of grant, name of fundraiser, etc.). This form can be found on your consultant site under Links, Downloads, FTP Site, Literacy for a Lifetime.
How is payment made for the order?
There are 2 different LFL choices on the Order Type screen in OrderPro: LFL (Billed to Organization) & LFL (Prepaid by Consultant). If the organization already has the money, they may choose to just pay you for the order (i.e. Prepaid by Consultant) and you will be charged for the order in OrderPro. In most cases, the organization chooses to be billed for the order (i.e. Billed to Organization). In this case you can enter the organization's PO number on the Order Type screen.
How will this program help me get appointments with school librarians?
For the past 2 years, school systems have been in hard economic situations. Many teachers & librarians have not received any budget money. So, any money they have received has come from grants, fundraisers, or donations. Our LFL program can help them stretch that "special" money as far as they can! Be sure to share this program with EVERY LIBRARIAN YOU TALK TO! It is amazing how they will "remember" that PTO donation or that book fair money as soon as they hear it will be matched with 50% more in free books! :)
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