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Weekly Highlights

On the subject of highlights, the Usborne National Convention really is one of the highlights of my year.  It is so motivating, inspiring, and FUN!!!  We have so many amazing women on our team, and getting that time together every year is one of the things I look forward to the most about convention.  If you have not registered, there is still time!  You can register until Monday at midnight.  To register, just log in to your consultant site and click on the "Connect" National Convention link under all the links on the left side of the page.  We would LOVE to have you join us!!!

Here are some highlights from this week...
  • Katie Meyerpeter (Chelsea, AL) had a new consultant join her team...welcome Mandy Posey (Maylene, AL)!
  • Katie & I had a GREAT elementary school book fair this past week!
  • Felicia Self (Winfield, AL) walked into a preschool and began a book fair for them that day! 


Weekly Highlights

Some of you may have gotten a "happy" delivered to your door this week!  If you earned February Home Office Challenge 2, then you received a box of order forms, Usborne presentation folders, and a purple Usborne umbrella!  Earning Home Office Challenges each month are great goals to work towards!  This month Home Office Challenge 2 is a $50 Marriott gift card...perfect for those of us attending convention.  You can find out the qualifications and the prizes for Home Office Challenges each month in the Biz Book.  To see the Biz Book, login to your consultant site and look under Links, Downloads, Monthly Magazines and Flyers.

Here are some highlights from this week...
  • Melinda Thompson (Batesville, MS) had a great preschool book fair!
  • Mandy Golightly (Helena, AL) earned Success Kit 1 for having $750 net sales in her incentive period!
  • Felicia Self (Winfield, AL) scheduled a preschool book fair for September!
  • Julianne Carney (Collierville, TN) is currently #1 in Team Leader sales for the month of April!
  • We had a new consultant join our team...welcome Tishawnia Gregory (Birmingham, AL)!


Weekly Highlights

I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful weather as much as I am! Several gals on our team are participating in Spring Festivals in the next few days...can't beat getting to be outside in the gorgeous weather AND sell books at the same time! :) Here are some highlights from this week...
  • Katie Meyerpeter (Chelsea, AL), Mandy Golightly (Helena, AL), and Jaime Laird (Birmingham, AL) all have booths at Spring Festivals this weekend!
  • Felicia Self (Winfield, AL) booked a preschool book fair for May!
  • Kim Lafrenz (Columbia, MO) earned Success Kit 1 for having $750 net sales in her incentive period so far!
  • Jessica Wood (Sheffield, AL) booked an elementary school book fair for May!


(Long overdue) Weekly Highlights

So sorry for the lack of blog posts and weekly highlights! We were out of town for Spring Break and I feel like it has taken me 2 weeks to recover! :) There are so many exciting things going on right now! Here are a few highlights...
  • Katie Meyerpeter's (Chelsea, AL) incentive period ended today...she reached the highest level attainable! During her incentive period she has had $4,014.75 in net sales and has 4 recruits! Way to go, Katie!!!
  • Julianne Carney (Collierville, TN) had an elementary book fair this week that had over $6200 in sales...the school's Scholastic book fair last year only reached $4800!
  • Michele Williams (Birmingham, AL) earned Success Kit 1 this week!
  • Jaime Laird (Birmingham, AL) also earned Success Kit 1 this week!
  • We had a new consultant join our team this week...welcome Amanda Ledbetter (Sylacauga, AL)!
  • As of right now, we have 8 gals from our team registered for convention! You have until the end of April to sign up! Don't miss out on this amazing weekend of training. If you are interested, email me and let me know of any questions you have. Here is a blog post a did a few weeks ago about convention: