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Our New Supervisor - Tara Maple

Congratulations to Tara Maple, our team's newest Supervisor!!! Tara became an Usborne consultant just a little over a year ago as a way to provide extra income for her family and great books for her kids! Tara also homeschools, so having free and discounted Usborne books was a huge plus for her. Tara got her business off to a great start right away, but it wasn't until attending Usborne National Convention this summer that she really caught hold of the team-building aspect of our business. At convention, Tara made the goal to promote to Supervisor this fall. The picture on the left is of Tara with our Usborne "family tree" at our team dinner at convention. All the branches are the Supervisors under Nancy Ann Wartman (there are a LOT more branches that didn't fit in the picture!). Tara added her name to the family tree, came home from convention and immediately began building a team in the Auburn/Opelika area. Since August, her team has exploded resulting in November group net sales of over $4500!!!

If building a business with Usborne is something you desire to do, then promoting to Supervisor is the MOST IMPORTANT step in making that happen. I hope that you are all picking up on the correlation between attending Usborne National Convention and promoting to Supervisor. National Convention in Tulsa is the most motivating, inspiring, and helpful experience that our company offers to set you up for success in your business. So far, every consultant on our team who has attended convention has promoted to Supervisor within the next 5 months!!! But, why wait until June 2011 to get motivated! Set the goal to promote NOW and attend your first convention as a Supervisor! :) LeAnne, Julianne, Tara, and I are here to help you in any way we can! If you desire to promote, let us know and we will help you put a plan in place to make it happen!

Congratulations again, Tara! You are an inspiration to all of us and we are so proud of you!!!


AMAZING January Hostess Specials!

One of the keys to a GREAT year of Usborne sales is making sure you have a GREAT January! If you only focus on the months leading up to Christmas and neglect to look ahead to January, it is really hard to keep up your momentum and, as a result, your business will suffer. Our home office is giving us everything we need to ensure that doesn't happen! In January we can offer hostesses DOUBLE FREE BOOKS with minimum sales of $350!

Not only that, but we can offer Thank You Rewards! The Thank you Reward is an extra $50 or $100 in merchandise allowance (free books) hostesses can redeem at their January parties! When any guest or hostess at a November or December party books a party for January, they can earn:
  • an additional $50 in merchandise allowance with a $250 party or
  • an additional $100 in merchandise allowance with a $450 party!
This is on top of the double free books!!!

Download the January Hostess Special sheet here.
Download Thank You Rewards coupons here.

I can't wait to hear about the AMAZING January we are going to have!!!


Weekly Highlights

I hope all of you have had a wonderful week with your families! Happy Thanksgiving!!!! We have so much to be thankful for...including a home business with an amazing company that allows us to put our families first AND provide extra income for our families during a time when so many are struggling to make ends meet!

Here are a couple of exciting highlights from this week...
  • Deanna Leras (Auburn, AL) reached Silver in the One-Step-at-a-Time Rewards, which means she gets another $50 in FREE books of her choice!!!
  • Joyce Bearden (Opelika, AL) contacted the AMAZING blog (of which I am a HUGE fan) and had an eShow link to her website posted for the Black Friday & Cyber Monday Sale! All the free books from the eShow will go to Toys for Tots!!!
  • There is an incredible sale on your websites RIGHT NOW and again on Monday...what a highlight for all of us! Don't miss out on an opportunity for easy web sales...let all your friends and families know!
Share your highlights with us as well...we would love to hear all the exciting things happening on our team!


Weekly Highlights

Another week of great highlights from our amazing team!!! This was the week of Bronzing! :)
  • Maegan Cody (Florence, AL), Dacia Nelson (Hoover, AL), Joyce Bearden (Opelika, AL), and Lisa Sandt (Opelika, AL) all reached the Bronze level in the One-Step-at-a-Time Rewards!
  • LeAnne Haynes (Birmingham, AL) had a home party with OVER $1000 in sales!!!
  • Julianne Carney (Collierville, TN) had an amazing day of sales at the Oxford Holiday Market where she also welcomed Theresa Sanders (Saltillo, MS) to our team!
Share your highlights with us in the comments below!

GREAT news...the January hostess special will be DOUBLE FREE BOOKS with minimum sales of $350!!! So, start filling that January calendar!


Black Friday Sale & Cyber Monday Deals!

Get ready for a fun weekend...we will offer 2 AFTER THANKSGIVING SALES on our websites this year!!! We need to let our friends, family, hostesses, & customers know asap! The dates for the 2 sales are as follows:

Black Friday Sale
Thursday, November 25 at Midnight - Friday, November 26 at Midnight

Cyber Monday Deals
Sunday, November 28 at Midnight - Monday, November 29 at Midnight

There will be a different selection of books on sale each day! So encourage your customers to check your website BOTH days!!!

The home office already has a marketing email ready for us to send out NOW to let our customers know about the upcoming sales. To access the email:
  1. Login to your consultant site at
  2. On the left side of the page under Links, select Business Forms/Tools.
  3. Select the last option: UBAM Marketing Emails
  4. Send the "Two Days of Fantastic Savings" email to yourself.
  5. Forward the email on to customers with a personal note from you at the top!
There will also be marketing emails available for us to send out on the day of the be sure to remember to send those emails out on Friday morning, November 25 and Monday morning, November 29!!!


Mark your calendars! - Usborne National Convention 2011

I know that June is a LONG way away, but I want all of you to go ahead and begin thinking about joining us at convention this year in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The dates are June 10 & 11. Some of you may be thinking, "Why in the world would I want to spend 2 days of my summer in Tulsa at a convention!?!" But, I can honestly tell you that you if desire to grow your business with Usborne, going to convention is the BEST way to do that! You will leave excited, motivated, encouraged, and overflowing with new ideas. It will be well worth your time and expense in getting there. On that note, there are many ways you can begin preparing now for the expense of going to convention...
  • Plan to room with other consultants on our team. We always have 4 to a room and have tons of fun! :)
  • If you have frequent flier miles, use those for your flight to Tulsa.
  • Consider car pooling with other consultants...there are always people driving from all over the southeast that you could get a ride with.
  • Start a "Convention" envelope. After each event between now and convention, save $10 of your profit. If you have a healthy business calendar, you will have more than enough to pay for your flight and hotel room at convention!
  • Remember that the expense of convention is a business expense for tax purposes!
I would love to have every one of you join us this won't regret it! So mark your calendars and plan on joining us in Tulsa in June!!! :)


Weekly Highlights

More exciting things this week! This really is a GREAT time to be an Usborne consultant! People are going to buy books for their kids for Christmas...they may as well buy them from you! :)

This week...
  • Beth Steed (Homewood, AL) and Emily Walker (Florence, AL) reached the Bronze level in the One-Step-at-a-Time Rewards...which means they get $50 in books of their choice for free!!!
  • Nikki Jordan (Bessemer, AL) had her first booth event after being a consultant for just a little over a week!
  • Tara Maple (Opelika, AL) and Joyce Bearden (Opelika, AL) had a preschool book fair with over $1000 in sales!
  • Shannon Windsor (Huntsville, AL) had her first preschool book fair with over $2000 in sales AND scheduled her first Reach for the Stars!
What an exciting week! Please share any Usborne highlights from your week with us in the comments below. :)


Conspiracy 365

I really can't say enough about this amazing series! It has gotten me in to schools and libraries I never have been in before...including one library I had been trying to work with for 3 years! It has increased my elementary school book fairs by drawing in the 5th graders...the group that is typically "too cool" for book fairs. It has made me an all-star to many librarians...they are seeing guys who have never loved to read frantic to get their hands on the next book. Many librarians have told me they have waiting lists for the books...which has resulted in them ordering another set (or 2)! I had one middle school that I have never worked with before order 2 copies of each book in the series...they called me just a week after they received the books to order 2 more copies of the first 3 books because they had 10 STUDENTS on the waiting list for January!

Why am I telling you all this? Because I want you to realize what a gold mine you have in your grasp. This series is EXCLUSIVE TO USBORNE CONSULTANTS. Translated: You are the ONLY place librarians and families can go to get these books!!!! This is a product you can be proud of...I am reading the series myself and have been blown away by how it keeps you on the edge of your seat, each book leaves you hanging and wanting to start reading the next one, and the content is completely appropriate for students.

So, how do you market this book? By telling EVERYONE!
  • Highlight it at home parties and booths...moms need to realize that we don't just have books for babies & toddlers. Usborne will continue to grow up with their kids by always providing great books...all the way to high school! Make sure your customers know that you can now get the books in boxed sets (4 books per box)...what a great Christmas present!
  • If you work with schools & libraries (or want to), let this be your "in" for getting an appointment. And know that they will end up ordering way more than just Conspiracy 365! :) Remember that to work with schools & libraries, you need to be an educational consultant.
  • If you have already sold the series to schools & libraries, give them a call and see if they need another set.
  • Send a letter to all the school libraries & libraries in your area about the series (make sure the school is not listed by another consultant before you do this). Include a copy of the wonderful Conspiracy 365 brochure (see below) available from the home office in the business supply store on your consultant site or in OrderPro. I sent this to a few middle schools in August and also included 5 Conspiracy 365 bookmarks (also available from the home office). I followed up each letter sent with a phone call for an appointment about a week later. I have listed 2 more middle schools as a result of this mail out!!! Let me know if you want a copy of the letter I used. :)
Let's continue to show the home office that they can trust us to sale these amazing books that they make exclusive to us!!!


Weekly Highlights

This Friday I want to try something new. Every week I get emails, texts, or phone calls from consultants who are so excited about something that just happened with their business. It is so fun and encouraging to hear how our businesses are being blessed! So...starting today, I'm going to have a "Weekly Highlight" post every Friday. I will blog some highlights that I know about, but I want each of you to add your own highlight in the comments below! To add a comment, you will need to have a Google account. If you don't already have one, just go to to set one will take 2 minutes. I think this will be exciting and encouraging for ALL of you to hear the awesome things going on on our team!

This week...
  • Julianne Carney (Collierville, TN) promoted to Supervisor!!!!
  • Maegan Cody (Florence, AL) had her first library appointment AND scheduled her first preschool book fair...for November!
  • Melanie Bouyer (Lipscomb, AL) and Deanna Leras (Auburn, AL) both had new consultants join their team!
What an amazing week!!!! I can't wait to hear more highlights!


BIG Announcement!!!

The Supervisors received a very exciting email from Randall on Friday concerning the Want it? Win it! contest! If you are a new consultant and are not quite sure what I am talking about, read a few posts below to learn how YOU can earn either an iPad, a big screen TV, or $500 cash between now and December 31. As if that wasn't good enough, read what our wonderful CEO and President, Randall White, has done to make earning the BIG PRIZE even more exciting...

Each person who earns the BIG PRIZE .............will also earn 5,000 Total Travel Points toward the new Incentive Travel Contest which begins January 1, 2011. Pretty good, but there is more............. The WANT IT? WIN IT! contest requires 3 bronze recruits to earn the BIG PRIZE, so in addition to the 5,000 Total Travel Points you will also carry forward one of your bronze recruits so you have a running start toward earning the new INCENTIVE TRAVEL CONTEST, again beginning January 1, 2011. Where are we going? I'm sworn to secrecy right now, but it doesn't matter because I promise it will be SPECTACULAR, and I will be there.

How amazing is that!?! Not only will you earn your choice of 3 AMAZING prizes, but you will also get a running start on earning the next trip!!! I would love to see many people from our team earn the BIG PRIZE. If you want to make sure you are one of the winners, let me know...I would love to help you achieve that goal!

Our New Supervisor - Julianne Carney

Congratulations to our team's newest Supervisor, Julianne Carney! Julianne became a consultant in February of this year in order to make enough money each month to pay the tuition for her daughters' schooling. She made the most of her incentive period, making it all the way to the Emerald level in the One-Step-at-a-Time Rewards program. Julianne joined us at the Usborne National Convention in Tulsa in July. At convention Julianne set the goal to promote to Supervisor on November 1, just 9 months after becoming a consultant. Julianne came back from convention excited and motivated. She has worked hard over the past 3 months and all of her hard work has paid off! Congratulations, Julianne! We are so proud of you and excited to have another Supervisor on our team!!! Promoting to Supervisor is the most important step you can take in making your Usborne job into a serious income-producing business for your family! If this is something you desire, let me, LeAnne, or Julianne know...we want to help you succeed!