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Earning the Mediterranean Cruise!

We found out on Tuesday the requirements needed to earn the next trip.  And, I don't remember there being a trip that was so attainable! Here is how to do it...

The seven month contest runs June 1, 2012 – December 28, 2012

Here’s What you Need:
27,000 TRAVEL POINTS – to earn a Cruise for ONE
39,000 TOTAL TRAVEL POINTS – to earn a Cruise for TWO

And – YOU get to choose how you earn your Cruise!
Build your Travel Points the following ways:
• Start with Bonus Travel Points for May sales (announced last week)
• Personal net sales ($10,000 minimum) - $1 net = 1 Travel Point
• New Personal Recruit net sales - $1 net = 1 Travel Point
• New Personal Recruits attain Success Bound level – 250 additional Travel Points
• Attend Connect National Convention – 1000 Travel Points
• Mail in the Commitment Coupon – 300 Travel Points
• Promote to or promote out a Team Leader – 1000 Travel Points
• Promote to or promote out a Team Leader Express Success – additional 500 Travel Points
• Home Office Challenge II – 250 Travel Points per month achieved

For those of you who are new to Usborne, that may be VERY confusing.  Check out the Mediterranean Cruise Q & A Sheet that is available on the CIA site for clarifications.

At our team lake training in February, I shared 3 tips that I have found are key in earning trips:
  1. Set the GOAL...share it and make it visible.
  2. BELIEVE you can do it!
  3. RECRUIT early in the contest.
  4. Don't take time off and don't quit!
This trip is attainable for everyone...we all start out on a level playing field.  YOU CAN DO THIS!!!  :)


Weekly Highlights

What a week!  I finished up my 3rd week in a row of elementary book fairs today.  This week was just as eventful as last computer crashed on Wednesday.  Not great timing, but I was reminded of how thankful I am for this business.  I was able to go that afternoon and purchase a new laptop without any worries thanks to my Usborne income.  It is such a blessing to be able to not stress about the little financial hiccups that life throws our way.  What a motivation to continue to grow my Usborne business for those little emergencies!  :)

Here are some highlights from this week...
  • Tara Maple (Opelika, AL) had a new consultant join her team...welcome Tawana Malone (Opelika, AL)!
  • Julianne Carney (Collierville, AL) had 2 consultants join her team...welcome Deanna Perkins (Loveland, CO) and Keri Smith (Lamar, MS)!
  • Jessica Wood (Sheffield, AL) had an elementary book fair this week!
  • Brandy Forsyth (Weaver, AL) had a big library order this week!
  • Mandy Golightly (Helena, AL) and Mandy Posey (Maylene, AL) have a booth this weekend!


Home Office Challenges

I love having goals to work towards.   During your incentive period there are so many different levels you can work towards with the Write Your Own Success Story program.  You can earn Success Kits and even cash!  But, even after your incentive period ends there are always Home Office Challenges to work towards every month.  Earning Home Office Challenges 1 & 2 is a GREAT goal to have each month!  To find out what the challenges are login to your consultant site, look under Links, Downloads, Monthly Magazines & Flyers, and Biz Book...this is a newsletter that comes out each month that tells you about the HO Challenges, the hostess specials, customer specials, etc. for that month.  There are always such awesome prizes for earning the HO Challenges!  Here is a picture of what arrived at my door this past week for earning HO Challenges 1 & 2 in March...a new logo camping chair (great for outdoor booths), a camping  table, and an Usborne Books & More sun visor for the car (great for advertising)!  The cutie in the chair was already mine.  :)

Go check out the Biz Book for May and see the awesome things you can earn!


Weekly Highlights

What a week I have had!!!  I had my 2nd week of 3 elementary school book fairs in a row.  During the course of the week my youngest son got sick and had to miss 2 days of school and I threw out my back while playing on the floor with him Thursday night.  I realized even more this week how amazing it is to have a husband who is supportive of my business.  He worked from home 2 days while my son couldn't go to school and spent yesterday at my book fair with me because I literally couldn't bend over.  Did I mention that I had to break down my book fair yesterday and go set up another elementary book fair yesterday afternoon? husband is amazing!!!!  So, THAT is my weekly highlight!  :)  Here are some more highlights from our team this week...
  • Julianne Carney (Collierville, TN) had a great elementary book fair this week AND was #4 in Team Leader sales for the month of April!
  • Amanda Ledbetter (Sylacauga, AL) is having her kick-off party this weekend!
  • Katie Meyerpeter (Chelsea, AL) promoted to Team Leader Express Success (which got her in the President's Club), earned her May dot to solidify earning her iPad, and got a call from Randall White congratulating her on promoting!!!!  What an awesome week!  :)


New Storytime App for the iPad

Are you guys as excited about this as I am?  I LOVE working for a company that keeps up with technology!  I am NOT worried that ebooks are going to replace books, but I love that we now have an ebook option to offer our customers!

What is it?
Storytime app is a FREE app only for the iPad at this point.  It is like a book shelf that our customers can download interactive books to enjoy.  Right now there are 5 Kane Miller books available through Storytime...more will be added soon.

How does it work?
Let your customers know to download the "Storytime" app from their app store and register with YOUR CONSULTANT ID!  This is very important because this allows them to download a FREE Kane Miller book...right now it's Hush Little Beachcomber.  Also, if they choose to buy any books now or in the future, you will get commission on those purchases!

Let your customers know about this NOW!  And, be sure they know to enter your consultant ID when they download the Storytime app.  You can go to your eCommerce site and click on the Storytime app icon on the right to learn even more information.


Congratulations to Katie Meyerpeter!

Congratulations to Katie Meyerpeter for promoting to Team Leader Express Success!  What does that mean?  Well, Katie not only promoted to Team Leader but she did it by the first of the month after her incentive period ended!  I am SO PROUD of her and this accomplishment!!!  Promoting to Team Leader is a HUGE shows what a hard-working and determined person Katie is that she did it so quickly!  Since Katie promoted Express Success, she is also automatically a member of the President's Club.  This means that Katie will be headed to National Convention a day early to meet with our President, Randall White, and other leaders of our company in the President's Round Table meeting. She will also get treated to an exclusive event on Wednesday night, receive the new titles for the upcoming season, and receive a special preview issue of the new catalog. 

 Katie set the goal to promote to Team Leader at our lake training in February and she has kept that goal in front of her ever since.  I have LOVED having Katie on our team, but even more than that I have loved building a friendship with her.  That is one of the things that I love about this business...the friendships that are formed as we work this business together!  Katie we are all SO PROUD of you!!!  I can't wait to see where this business takes you!