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Weekly Highlights

This Friday I want to try something new. Every week I get emails, texts, or phone calls from consultants who are so excited about something that just happened with their business. It is so fun and encouraging to hear how our businesses are being blessed! So...starting today, I'm going to have a "Weekly Highlight" post every Friday. I will blog some highlights that I know about, but I want each of you to add your own highlight in the comments below! To add a comment, you will need to have a Google account. If you don't already have one, just go to to set one will take 2 minutes. I think this will be exciting and encouraging for ALL of you to hear the awesome things going on on our team!

This week...
  • Julianne Carney (Collierville, TN) promoted to Supervisor!!!!
  • Maegan Cody (Florence, AL) had her first library appointment AND scheduled her first preschool book fair...for November!
  • Melanie Bouyer (Lipscomb, AL) and Deanna Leras (Auburn, AL) both had new consultants join their team!
What an amazing week!!!! I can't wait to hear more highlights!


  1. How exciting!
    I did book 4 home shows this week; does that count? :)
    Also, next week, Joyce Bearden and I will be doing an all week preschool book fair. We are excited!

  2. Tara! Of course that counts! That is awesome!!!
