Set your goal to attain 65,000 Points and bring a guest with you to Aruba!
Or you can choose to bring a guest by purchasing the buy-in amount listed on the Information Chart.
Aruba for one!
Set your goal to attain 35,000 Points to Earn the Trip for One!
You can choose to bring a guest by purchasing the buy-in amount listed on the Information Chart.
Aruba for Children!
Two children aged 17 and under stay free of charge when sharing a guestroom with two adults.
To earn the trip...
1. Maintain personal net sales of $500 per month for 4 months out of the six months, January 1 through June 30, 2011.
2. Sponsor New Consultants
3. Total net sales of your new personal recruits must be $10,000.
4. Total Points must be a minimum of 65,000 to earn the trip for two and 35,000 to earn the trip for one.
How to Earn Points!
1. Personal Net Sales
Each net dollar in personal sales earns you one (1) Point. You must maintain personal sales of $500 net per month for 4 months out of the six month contest.
Double Point Bonus on personal sales!
Receive 2 Points for each net $1 sold between December 27, 2010 and January 31, 2011 cut-off.
2. Share the Opportunity
A. Sponsor new Consultants. Each new Consultant earns you 250 Points!
B. Teach a new Consultant to sell $1,000 net during their first eight weeks in business. When your new Consultant achieves this before March 31, you earn an additional 2,000 Points. After March 31, earns you an additional 1,500 Points.
C. Earn one (1) Point for each $1 in net sales from your new Consultants. Your New Consultant Total Sales must be a minimum of $10,000 net.
3. Supervisor Promotions
Earn 5,000 Points when you promote to Supervisor between January 1, and July 1, 2011.
Earn 5,000 Points when you promote out a Supervisor between January 1, and July 1, 2011. Points will not count if Supervisor is on probation or demoted on July 1, 2011.
4. Attend Meetings
Consultants earn 2,000 Points for attending National Convention 2011.
Supervisors earn 1,000 Points for attending Advanced Leadership Retreat in January 2011 and 1,000 Points for attending National Convention 2011.
5. Want it? – Win it!
Consultants and Supervisors who earned the Want it? – Win it? contest in December, earn 5,000 Points and receive 1,000 Points that count towards New Consultant Total Sales.
6. New Consultant Extra Points
November through December 23, 2010 Consultants and New Consultants that sign up December 27 or after, earn more Points. Read New Consultant Extra Points.
7. Earn More!
Additional bonus Points will be scattered throughout the contest!
Watch your newsletter for details.
New Consultant Extra Points!
Consultants who signed November 1 through December 30th, 2010
Start off with 5,000 Points for free! $500 in net sales per month must be maintained four (4) out of six (6) months, January through June, to keep the 5,000 free Points.
Consultants who sign in January and February 2011
Earn DOUBLE points, for the duration of the contest, for categories 1 and 2 under How to Earn Points!
$500 in personal net sales must be maintained each month following the month you sign up. You are allowed two months in which the $500 is not met.
Consultants who sign in March 2011 or after
Earn 5,000 Points to start off the contest plus DOUBLE points for categories 1 and 2 under How to Earn Points!
$500 in personal net sales must be maintained each month following the month you signed up. You are allowed two months in which the $500 is not met.
Information Chart
Points | Consultant/Supervisor Buy In |
65,000 or more You've earned a Trip for TWO | Your Guest is free! |
60,000 | $400 |
55,000 | $800 |
50,000 | $1,200 |
45,000 | $1,600 |
40,000 | $2,000 |
35,000 You've earned a Trip for ONE | $2,400 |
All sales and sponsoring must be at the Home Office between
December 27, 2010 and the cut-off on June 30, 2011.
I know it's a lot of details, but it basically comes down to 3 things: Sell books, build a team, and teach your team to sell books. If you can do that, you will be sitting on a beach in Aruba this fall!
Here is an Aruba Trip Goal Sheet that another Supervisor put together. It just outlines what you can do to earn the trip and establishes monthly goals towards earning the trip.
For all the details on the trip look on your consultant site under Links and click the Aruba Travel Contest logo. Hopefully, there will be a trip tracker added to your consultant site soon so you can keep up with your progress. I can't wait to see how many of us are in Aruba together this fall! :)
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