- Jessica Wood (Leighton, AL) had her first home party where she booked 5 more home parties!
- Tara Maple (Opelika, AL) is an exhibitor at an ESL teacher conference this weekend!
- We had a new consultant join our team...welcome Dana Vick (Denton, TX)!
Weekly Highlights
Consignment Sales
If your goal at a consignment sale is tons of sales, then they may not be the best place for you to have a booth. Remember that moms at consignment sales are there because they want a deal, they aren't looking to pay full retail for ANYTHING! However, if you go into the event with the goal of booking spring home parties and finding recruits, then the event can be a home run! So, here are some ways you can accomplish your goal of using a consignment sale booth to fill your spring calendar AND find recruits:
- Share how they can earn books for FREE by hosting their own home party...moms at consultant sales LOVE to hear the word "free." Hahaha! You may even have a sign in a cheap acrylic frame that says, "Ask me how you can earn these books for FREE!"
- Have a drawing for $20 in free books. I got the drawing slips I use at booths from another consultant. I think they are great because they ask you to mark your interest in hosting a home party or starting your own business. There are also 4 to a page, so it doesn't use up too much paper to print them. Go here to download the drawing slips I use. WATCH them fill out their drawing slip...if you see them mark "yes" to hosting a home party or becoming a consultant, don't let them get away without booking the party or answering their questions about starting their own Usborne business.
- Have hostess packets & recruiting packets available for those who book parties or are very interested in joining your team. Nancy Ann also has GREAT recruiting postcards available on her website at www.usborneachievers.com each month...they include the current starter kit information & have a place for you to enter your information before printing. I print them on white cardstock. Email me for the username & password to enter Nancy Ann's site.
- Have the days you want to book home parties already circled in your calendar. If you already know what days you want to fill, hostesses can choose their date right then & you can immediately give them their hostess packet.
If you have had a booth at a consignment sale, please share any other tips you can think of in the comments below!
Literacy for a Lifetime

What is Literacy for a Lifetime (LFL)?
It is a funds-matching program. If a school/library/organization has any grant, donated, or fundraised money and they spend a minimum of $200 with us, we will match it with 50% MORE IN FREE BOOKS. The whole order is also FREE SHIPPING. Fundraised money can be from a PTO fundraiser or even money raised from another company's book fair!
Is there a cap on how much can be matched?
NO...we can match $200 with another $100 in free books & we can match $10,000 with another $5,000 in free books, etc.
Is there a limit to the number of times an organization can participate in the LFL program?
NO...they can place LFL orders as often as they like.
How do I place the order?
On the Order Type screen in OrderPro, choose LFL. On the Select Books screen, put all the books they are purchasing in as Retail Books and their free books in as Free Books. You can submit the order through OrderPro. However, you will also need to fax in the LFL Grant Information Form which explains where the money came from (name of grant, name of fundraiser, etc.). This form can be found on your consultant site under Links, Downloads, FTP Site, Literacy for a Lifetime.
How is payment made for the order?
There are 2 different LFL choices on the Order Type screen in OrderPro: LFL (Billed to Organization) & LFL (Prepaid by Consultant). If the organization already has the money, they may choose to just pay you for the order (i.e. Prepaid by Consultant) and you will be charged for the order in OrderPro. In most cases, the organization chooses to be billed for the order (i.e. Billed to Organization). In this case you can enter the organization's PO number on the Order Type screen.
How will this program help me get appointments with school librarians?
For the past 2 years, school systems have been in hard economic situations. Many teachers & librarians have not received any budget money. So, any money they have received has come from grants, fundraisers, or donations. Our LFL program can help them stretch that "special" money as far as they can! Be sure to share this program with EVERY LIBRARIAN YOU TALK TO! It is amazing how they will "remember" that PTO donation or that book fair money as soon as they hear it will be matched with 50% more in free books! :)
Weekly Highlights
- Our newest consultant, Jessica Wood (Leighton, AL), had her first 2 library appointments this week AND has her kick-off party tomorrow! What an exciting week!
- Julianne, Tara, & I received our Big Prizes from the home office!
Weekly Highlights
- Paige Byrd (Germantown, TN) booked the first of what will be monthly book fairs at her local gym!
- Tara Maple (Opelika, AL) and I had a great weekend of sales and getting leads at the Montgomery Home & Garden Show!
A few new titles...

Find out about the things you see at the airport - with 50 things to spot, your trip to the airport can become a voyage of discovery.
What a great idea for families traveling over spring break! These activity spotter's cards give kids 50 things to spot as they travel through the airport...perfect for layovers! I really wish we had these when Rowen & I traveled to Hawaii in April...our flight out of Memphis was delayed 2 hours and these would have definitely come in handy!

From the mighty elephant to the amazing colossal squid, open the huge fold-out pages to reveal some of the tallest, longest and heaviest animals in the world-and discover the biggest animal that's every lived.
The other 2 books in the Big Books series (Big Book of Big Dinosaurs and Big Book of Big Machines) have been extremely successful! They were both very popular at my preschool book fairs this past fall, so I am very excited about another book in this series. This book has fold-out spreads so young children can grasp how BIG these animals are.

As a mom of a child with a cochlear implant, we are constantly working on learning new vocabulary. I am so excited about this book! I think it will be great for toddlers who are learning words all the way up to beginning readers. It will also be a great book for special needs children and speech therapists!

One day Tessa was standing on Chloe’s porch, looking scared. Two days later she was dead. Chloe can’t shake the thought that she didn’t ask Tessa what was wrong, even though she’d seemed frightened. Now she has to find out who might have wanted Tessa out of the way. And she can’t help wondering what it was, the night Tessa came for help, that had her scared to death...
I have become a big fan of this Kane Miller series for middle school & high school students. As a Nancy Drew girl growing up, I would have LOVED this series! The main character, Chloe, reminds me of a spunkier Nancy Drew. The Vancouver Sun described the series as "John Grisham for teens." I have so enjoyed reading the first 2 books in the series. There are now 4 books available in the series: Over the Edge, Double Cross, Scared to Death, and Break and Enter. This series gives us even more options to offer middle school & high school librarians! Go here to read an excerpt from Scared to Death.
My Sister's a Pop Star Series

Weekly Highlights
- It's National Booking Day Weekend! The home office will give you 100 points toward your Aruba trip for every event you book this weekend (Friday, January 7 - Sunday, January 9) and hold before January 31! Check your email from the home office for the details!
- Julianne Carney (Collierville, TN) won the BIG Prize in the Want it? Win it! contest! That makes 3 CONSULTANTS ON OUR TEAM who won the prize!!!
- Maegan Cody (Florence, AL) signed up her first new consultant! Welcome to our team, Jessica Wood (Leighton, AL)!
- Deanna Leras (Auburn, AL) won a table rack from me for having a TON of bookings on her 2011 calendar!
Earning a trip to Aruba

Set your goal to attain 65,000 Points and bring a guest with you to Aruba!
Or you can choose to bring a guest by purchasing the buy-in amount listed on the Information Chart.
Aruba for one!
Set your goal to attain 35,000 Points to Earn the Trip for One!
You can choose to bring a guest by purchasing the buy-in amount listed on the Information Chart.
Aruba for Children!
Two children aged 17 and under stay free of charge when sharing a guestroom with two adults.
To earn the trip...
1. Maintain personal net sales of $500 per month for 4 months out of the six months, January 1 through June 30, 2011.
2. Sponsor New Consultants
3. Total net sales of your new personal recruits must be $10,000.
4. Total Points must be a minimum of 65,000 to earn the trip for two and 35,000 to earn the trip for one.
How to Earn Points!
1. Personal Net Sales
Each net dollar in personal sales earns you one (1) Point. You must maintain personal sales of $500 net per month for 4 months out of the six month contest.
Double Point Bonus on personal sales!
Receive 2 Points for each net $1 sold between December 27, 2010 and January 31, 2011 cut-off.
2. Share the Opportunity
A. Sponsor new Consultants. Each new Consultant earns you 250 Points!
B. Teach a new Consultant to sell $1,000 net during their first eight weeks in business. When your new Consultant achieves this before March 31, you earn an additional 2,000 Points. After March 31, earns you an additional 1,500 Points.
C. Earn one (1) Point for each $1 in net sales from your new Consultants. Your New Consultant Total Sales must be a minimum of $10,000 net.
3. Supervisor Promotions
Earn 5,000 Points when you promote to Supervisor between January 1, and July 1, 2011.
Earn 5,000 Points when you promote out a Supervisor between January 1, and July 1, 2011. Points will not count if Supervisor is on probation or demoted on July 1, 2011.
4. Attend Meetings
Consultants earn 2,000 Points for attending National Convention 2011.
Supervisors earn 1,000 Points for attending Advanced Leadership Retreat in January 2011 and 1,000 Points for attending National Convention 2011.
5. Want it? – Win it!
Consultants and Supervisors who earned the Want it? – Win it? contest in December, earn 5,000 Points and receive 1,000 Points that count towards New Consultant Total Sales.
6. New Consultant Extra Points
November through December 23, 2010 Consultants and New Consultants that sign up December 27 or after, earn more Points. Read New Consultant Extra Points.
7. Earn More!
Additional bonus Points will be scattered throughout the contest!
Watch your newsletter for details.
New Consultant Extra Points!
Consultants who signed November 1 through December 30th, 2010
Start off with 5,000 Points for free! $500 in net sales per month must be maintained four (4) out of six (6) months, January through June, to keep the 5,000 free Points.
Consultants who sign in January and February 2011
Earn DOUBLE points, for the duration of the contest, for categories 1 and 2 under How to Earn Points!
$500 in personal net sales must be maintained each month following the month you sign up. You are allowed two months in which the $500 is not met.
Consultants who sign in March 2011 or after
Earn 5,000 Points to start off the contest plus DOUBLE points for categories 1 and 2 under How to Earn Points!
$500 in personal net sales must be maintained each month following the month you signed up. You are allowed two months in which the $500 is not met.
Information Chart
Points | Consultant/Supervisor Buy In |
65,000 or more You've earned a Trip for TWO | Your Guest is free! |
60,000 | $400 |
55,000 | $800 |
50,000 | $1,200 |
45,000 | $1,600 |
40,000 | $2,000 |
35,000 You've earned a Trip for ONE | $2,400 |
All sales and sponsoring must be at the Home Office between
December 27, 2010 and the cut-off on June 30, 2011.
I know it's a lot of details, but it basically comes down to 3 things: Sell books, build a team, and teach your team to sell books. If you can do that, you will be sitting on a beach in Aruba this fall!
Here is an Aruba Trip Goal Sheet that another Supervisor put together. It just outlines what you can do to earn the trip and establishes monthly goals towards earning the trip.
For all the details on the trip look on your consultant site under Links and click the Aruba Travel Contest logo. Hopefully, there will be a trip tracker added to your consultant site soon so you can keep up with your progress. I can't wait to see how many of us are in Aruba together this fall! :)
Power of 3 EXTENDED!!!!

Many of you have expressed interest in promoting to Supervisor. It is a new year, why not make a promotion date goal for this spring!?! If you want to set a goal to promote to Supervisor this spring, click on the Power of 3 logo under the Links on your consultant site. Read more about promoting and register to become part of the Future Supervisor Campaign. If you are making this a goal, please let me, LeAnne, Julianne, or Tara know...we would love to help you come up with a plan to make this happen!!! And remember...if you meet the requirements to promote to Supervisor, you will likely also be earning a trip to Aruba!!! :)
Triple our team in January!!!
Do you realize if we each recruit 1 new consultant this month and each of those new consultants signs up 1 new consultant for free we would TRIPLE OUR GROUP THIS MONTH!!!!! I would love for that to be a January goal for each of us...to sign up at least 1 new consultant who will sign up a friend by the end of the month. And remember...consultants who sign up in January receive DOUBLE POINTS toward the Aruba trip for the entire 6 months of the trip-earning period! If you have friends or customers who have shown interest in starting their own Usborne business, NOW is the time!!!! Help them get started today so they can make the most of the trip-earning period!