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Weekly Highlights

I hope you are all having a fabulous week! There is some exciting news on the horizon...I just got word from some Usborne Supervisors at the Advanced Leadership Retreat in Orlando that an incentive to earn an iPad 2 is coming in this Spring!!! As soon as I get the details, I will pass them on. Here are some highlights from this week...
  • Katie Meyerpeter (Chelsea, AL) booked 2 home parties and a pre-school book fair! She is also going to be joining us at the training weekend at Lake Martin in February!
  • Julianne Carney (Collierville, TN) has a HUGE author visit coming up in February! She is bringing in presidential historian and author of What Does the President Look Like?, Jane Hampton Cook, to visit 6 schools in her area. Julianne has put so much time and effort into this event...I know it's going to be a big success!!!

1 comment:

  1. I've gotten more information about earning the is going to be SO ATTAINABLE for everyone!!! I have seen the requirements and brand new consultants can do this! Details coming soon...
