Regional training was an amazing experience! Not only did I meet other fabulous Usborne consultants, but I learned how to strategically build my business one customer and one event at a time. Regionals made me even more excited about National Conference....and this time I'm going as a Supervisor!
Jennifer, Beckie, Heather, & Lorna...I am so excited that you made this investment in your businesses! Regional training is just a small taste of what convention is like...I hope you will all be joining us at convention this year! :)
A couple of reminders for Educational Consultants...
- Remember to go to the School & Library training chats on Wednesdays at 1:00. These chats are FABULOUS training opportunities! You can get the info about how to join the chats by sending an email to howtochat@myubah.com. If you are unable to attend a chat, Patti McClimans is posting the chat logs on the Usborne Achievers page on Facebook.
- I am hosting a School & Library training at my house in Hoover on Sunday, September 18 at 3:00. We will talk about what to say when you call a librarian, Literacy for a Lifetime orders, & teacher work room set-ups. We will also do a mock librarian appointment. I would love for you to join us for this training! Email me at akers72900@yahoo.com if you plan to attend.
- Beckie Fields (Weaver, AL) booked 3 school appointments in one day, won the free books on Monday night chat, and had her kick-off party last night...it was Mystery Hostess! Beckie also had a new consultant join her team today...welcome Amy Snead (Weaver, AL)!
- Julianne Carney (Collierville, TN) booked 2 appointments with new librarians today!
- Brittany Brewton (Florence, AL) booked an elementary book fair for the Spring!
- Heather Mills (Anniston, AL) has her kick-off party tomorrow!
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