That's Not My Elephant!

Weekly Highlights & Reminders

Regional training was an amazing experience! Not only did I meet other fabulous Usborne consultants, but I learned how to strategically build my business one customer and one event at a time. Regionals made me even more excited about National Conference....and this time I'm going as a Supervisor!
Jennifer, Beckie, Heather, & Lorna...I am so excited that you made this investment in your businesses! Regional training is just a small taste of what convention is like...I hope you will all be joining us at convention this year! :)
A couple of reminders for Educational Consultants...
- Remember to go to the School & Library training chats on Wednesdays at 1:00. These chats are FABULOUS training opportunities! You can get the info about how to join the chats by sending an email to howtochat@myubah.com. If you are unable to attend a chat, Patti McClimans is posting the chat logs on the Usborne Achievers page on Facebook.
- I am hosting a School & Library training at my house in Hoover on Sunday, September 18 at 3:00. We will talk about what to say when you call a librarian, Literacy for a Lifetime orders, & teacher work room set-ups. We will also do a mock librarian appointment. I would love for you to join us for this training! Email me at akers72900@yahoo.com if you plan to attend.
- Beckie Fields (Weaver, AL) booked 3 school appointments in one day, won the free books on Monday night chat, and had her kick-off party last night...it was Mystery Hostess! Beckie also had a new consultant join her team today...welcome Amy Snead (Weaver, AL)!
- Julianne Carney (Collierville, TN) booked 2 appointments with new librarians today!
- Brittany Brewton (Florence, AL) booked an elementary book fair for the Spring!
- Heather Mills (Anniston, AL) has her kick-off party tomorrow!
Birmingham Area School & Library training!
Mark your calendars for Sunday, September 18 at 3:00! I will be hosting a school & library training at my house for consultants on our team in the Birmingham area (or further if you are willing to drive ;)). Topics we will cover include: what to say on the phone to schedule an appointment with a librarian, Literacy for a Lifetime, & teacher workroom set-ups. We will also have a mock library appointment so you can see first-hand how to conduct an appointment with a school or public librarian. This training is specifically for Educational Consultants (EC's) or consultants who are interested in becoming an EC. Remember, you MUST be an EC to work with libraries & schools that have a Kindergarten and above. I'm looking forward to this training...I think it will be very beneficial for those in the SL market!
Please email me & let me know if you are planning to attend the training.
Please email me & let me know if you are planning to attend the training.
Weekly Highlights
School has finally started!!! It is nice to be back in a routine. If you are an educational consultant, NOW is a great time to begin contacting librarians for an appointment. It is also a great time to schedule teacher workroom book fairs. Teachers usually get their classroom money October 1, so I like to set up in the teacher workroom for the teachers in October or November. They will also love the opportunity to Christmas shop for their own kids! REMEMBER...training chats for educational consultants (& those who are interested in becoming one) are on Wednesdays at 1:00 Central time. Read the previous post for all the details on how to be in the chat & the topics that will be discussed. If you are new to the educational services market, you DO NOT want to miss out on this great training!!!
Here are some highlights from this week...
Here are some highlights from this week...
- Jessica Wood (Leighton, AL) scheduled 4 book fairs in ONE day this week!!!
- Beckie Field (Weaver, AL), Jennifer Thorne (Westover, AL), Heather Mills (Anniston, AL), and Lorna Fields (Trussville, AL) are on their way RIGHT NOW to the Atlanta Regional training!!! And, they are all in their incentive period...what a great way to start their business!
Educational Consultant Training Chats start tomorrow!
If you are an educational consultant or are interested in becoming one, be sure to join the educational consultant training chats that start tomorrow (August 17) at 1:00 Central! Being an educational consultant enables you to work with schools & libraries. Only educational consultants can service schools with a Kindergarten & above and libraries. For instructions on how to join the chat, send an email to howtochat@myubah.com. Here is the training chat schedule:
August 17th - School & Library 101
August 17th - School & Library 101
August 24th - What to Say on Phone Calls
August 31st - Appointments
Sept 7th - Professionalism
Sept 14th - Fortune is in the Follow-up
Sept 21st - Terminology
School has started back & now is the time to begin contacting school librarians! Don't miss this great opportunity for training!8/6/11
Weekly Highlights
School is almost here...which means fall is just around the corner! Are you ready? Now is a great time to start looking at your fall calendars. Many preschools enjoy doing fall book fairs because they know their parents will Christmas shop. This is a great time to contact them to book a fall book fair! Also, a healthy home party schedule in August, will lead to a healthy home party schedule in September, etc. So, make sure you are working this month so you can meet future fall hostesses. :)
Here are some highlights from this week...
Here are some highlights from this week...
- Beckie Field (Weaver, AL) had a new consultant join her team...welcome Heather Mills (Anniston, AL)!
- Jennifer Thorne (Westover, AL), Tara Maple (Opelika, AL), and others had great success & met lots of teachers at office supply store Teacher Appreciation Days!
- It was announced this week that Advance Leadership Retreat (ALR) will be held this year in Orlando, FL!!! This is a training weekend just for Supervisors that is usually in Tulsa every January, but this year will be in Orlando. What an incentive to promote to Supervisor this fall!!!!
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