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Weekly Highlights

I hope you have all had a great week! The school year is coming to an end, which is hard to believe. For us educational consultants, this means that a good bit of our business is basically closed for the next 2 months. However, the summer is a great time to refocus on home parties & work on filling your fall calendars. Home parties can be great in the summer...moms will be excited to get new books for their kids to read while they are out of school. Play date parties can be a great the party in the morning & all the moms can bring their kids. Obviously, these parties don't "look" the same as night parties with no kids, but they can still result in big sales.

Here are some highlights from this week...
  • Somehow in the craziness of the past month, I neglected to congratulate Tricia Brooks (Tallasee, AL) for making BRONZE & SILVER in the month of April!!! Congratulations, Tricia!
  • The newest consultant on our team, Robin Flournoy (Knoxville, TN), already had 3 big events on her calendar (not even including her kick-off party)...before her kit even arrived at her door!
  • Jessica Wood (Leighton, AL) had a fun experience this past week that was featured in the Consultant Diaries portion of the Weekly Update from the home office on Tuesday! In case you missed it...
Today I sold not one but TWO entire sets of C365!!! I was doing a museum book fair that was actually geared toward toddlers and Pre-K. An older sibling asked what we had for his age and I pitched C365. His eyes got HUGE and he said, "I need to tell my mom!" Mom and I talked and she decided they would get the first two and then order the rest if he really liked them. He decided this was not good enough and went to get 'Poppa' (grandfather). Poppa bought the entire set AND had another set sent to another grandchild in another state. Wow. Just wow.
- Jessica M. Wood

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