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Top 10 Reasons to Attend Usborne National Convention:

10. Three nights away in a nice hotel with fun women who love these books as much as you do!
9. All meals are great & most are included in the convention registration fee.
8. All expenses (airfare or mileage, hotel, meals, etc.) are business expenses, therefore tax write-offs!
7. You will hear amazing convention speakers who will motivate & inspire you.
6. You will make Usborne friends from all over the country.
5. You get $100 worth of brand NEW TITLES just for attending!
4. Inspiration…you will hear stories from consultants who are successful despite all types of challenges that life brings.
3. You will be trained by some of the most successful leaders in our company including our Upline Supervisors, Ruth Smith & Nancy Ann Wartman, and others who have been doing this many years, make substantial income, and have earned tons of trips with Usborne.
2. Ideas, ideas, ideas…the well will not run dry of the insight & knowledge you will gain about every aspect of the business.
1. You will leave more MOTIVATED than you can imagine to work your business and be successful!!!

1 comment:

  1. These are SO true! O.K., so the main reason I went last year was b/c of reason #10 above. After working a paid job my whole life, I started staying home(at age 37!) with a 6 month old and a 3 yr. old. Talk about a major shift in reality. Look, I even worked after school and in the summers in high school. I love being home with my kids, but after 2 years at home I thought, "Finally! A way for me to go to a conference again." And, let's be honest, a way for me to have a full 24 hours with noone asking me anything having to do with a bodily function.
    But here's the amazing thing: I got this great opportunity to be refreshed AND I got the motivation I needed to promote to supervisor within a few months of returning from convention. And I didn't even know I wanted to BE a supervisor!
    Going to convention taught me more about our great books and gave me insight from people who've been successful with Usborne all over the country. Going to convention really is the best investment you can make in your business!
