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National Convention 2011 - June 10 & 11

I know it's still cold outside and June is a long way off, but I want to go ahead and plant a seed in your head about Usborne National Convention. The dates are June 10 & 11 at the Southern Hills Marriott in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Hands down, there is NOTHING our company offers that better equips you for your business than convention! At convention you have the opportunity to meet Usborne consultants from all over the country...from brand new consultants to seasoned consultants of over 15 years. You will also meet our President & CEO, Randall White, as well as other home office staff. You will have the opportunity to receive training from the most successful Supervisors in our company, as well as amazing special speakers. I can absolutely promise that you will leave inspired, motivated, encouraged, and absolutely busting at the seams with new ideas! We have a pretty great track record to prove that...of the consultants who have joined me at convention the past 2 years, all of them have promoted to Supervisor within 5 months after returning home!

So, what does attending convention entail. Registration will begin soon...the home office will let us know as soon as registration is open. We do know that the early bird special is only $140 and will end March 31. The cost of convention includes an AMAZING training notebook with all the notes from the sessions and seminars as well as lunch & dinner on Friday and Saturday. You also receive $100 in FREE NEW TITLES just for attending convention! We usually split hotel rooms 4 to a room to cut down on the the hotel room will only be about $25 a night. Many consultants fly (I use frequent flyer miles every year), but there are some consultants who carpool out there. So, yes...there is some cost involved. However, I can promise that it will be well worth your time & money and you will ABSOLUTELY be so glad you went!!!

Please feel free to email me with any questions you have! I would love to see a big group from our team at convention this year...because one thing that I have not mentioned is that WE HAVE SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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