The Read-Aloud Handbook
Reminder: Southeast Regional Training Early Bird Special!!!
Good news! I just got email confirmation that new consultants who sign up after the September 1 earlybird special deadline, can still get the earlybird price of $38!!! So, let's bring a BIG group with us this year! It is going to be GREAT!!!
Home Party Tips
One of the many great things about convention is being able to learn from other consultants. There is a phrase you here a lot with Usborne, "There is no need to re-invent the wheel." We can learn so much from other consultant's successes and failures. Last year I left for convention very frustrated with my home parties...I was sick of getting everything ready only to have a party with only 1 or 2 people in attendance. Yes, there is always the eShow. But, we all know that people really need to see and touch these amazing books to fall in love with them. So, at convention I was able to attend a seminar by Melissa Beyer that completely addressed all my frustrations! You can listen to Melissa's training session on your consultant site...Under Links, Training, Audio Training, Home Shows, "Home Show Tips & Tricks" Melissa Beyer Convention 2009. I have incorporated these tips and tricks and have seen HUGE results!!!
Home party problems & solutions:
Problem: Bad attendance
1. Hostess coaching:
- Make sure the initial invitation to the party is either in person or over the phone. This is SO much more effective than emails or Evites...these are easier, but they are also easy to ignore and forget!
- Let the postcard be a reminder, not the initial invitation.
- Call your hostess 3 different times between booking the party and the party day. 1st call - to tell her to make her guest list and begin inviting over the phone or in person. 2nd call - the day you mail the "postcard reminders" to let her know they have gone out and to remind her to keep telling her friends. 3rd call - 2 days before the party to have her call everyone who has responded "yes" and those who have not responded one last time to remind them. Tell her we all can get "Mommy Brain" and completely forget!
2. Send the postcard reminders for your hostess
- Yes, I know this is more work for you. Yes, I know it means paying for postage. But, it completely takes away any anxiety you have wondering if they ever got sent out!
- As soon as a hostess books a party, I email her a blank Avery address labels template in Word and ask her to type in her addresses and email it back to me. Then, all I have to do is print, peal, & stick!
- Put them in the mail 10 days before the party date.
Problem: Not getting started on time
Solution: On time drawing
- I let the guests know about the "on time drawing" by putting a little return address label sticker on the postcard reminders that says: Arrive on time! Free book drawing at 7:05
- As guests arrive, I give them a drawing ticket (2-part raffle tickets from Wal-Mart).
- At exactly 5 minutes after the party start time, I draw a ticket. I have a basket of books the winner can choose from.
- My basket of drawing books are free books I have collected from Home Office Challenges, booths where there wasn't an organization to redeem free books, etc.
Problem: Not getting home party bookings at every home party
- Circle or highlight available dates on your calendar and put stickers on the dates you really want to fill (i.e. the most recent ones that you don't want to pass by without having a party). Stickered date = free book from basket of books :)
- Gift-bagged brownie mix or cookie mix for anyone who books at the home party. Ensure them that is all they need to do to prepare for their guests...they don't even have to go to the store!
Problem: No body pays any attention to what I say because they are looking at the catalog
Solution: Wait to give out catalogs until AFTER you have shared
- When guests come in I only give them 3 things: a clipboard with a wish list attached, their free book drawing ticket, and a pen.
- I wait until AFTER I have shared about the books, the hostess benefits, and the business opportunity to give them a catalog...but only after I receive their customer survey. Keep reading. :)
Problem: Not getting back customer surveys
Solution: Fill out your customer survey and I will give you a catalog
- Getting back customer surveys is HUGE because guests may mark on there that they are interested in having a party or becoming a consultant but would never tell you in person.
- After my presentation, I pass out customer surveys and ask them to wave them in the air when they are done. Then I bring them their catalog.
- When they are "checking out" after making their selections, I will find their customer survey and see if they checked any boxes. If they did, I will follow up with them right then by either getting their party on the calendar or talking with them about being a consultant and giving them a recruiting packet and maybe even signing them up!
As I said earlier, these things have really helped my home parties. I have higher attendance which has resulted in higher sales! Give these tips a try and see how it goes!
Game Time Recruiting
The very first people we need to make aware of this awesome $20 kit is our current hostesses! It would not be right if we didn't make them aware that for only $20 they can get over $180 in books AND get to count their home party as their kick-off show. You can sign them up when you place their order in OrderPro...their sales will get them closer to Bronze!!! How to do this: first step in OrderPro (Hostess/Org Info step), check the box "Check if hostess is becoming a consultant", type in the info (SSN, county, tax rate, etc.), on the Select Books step choose "Starter Kits" from the drop down menu, & select "Game Time Kit". So easy and the sales from the party can count towards the hostess!!!
The next people we need to tell about this amazing kit is everyone else! :) Home party guests, people at booths, our repeat customers, friends who love the books, friends who could use some extra income, friends who home school, teachers...and the list goes on. This is your chance to BUILD YOUR TEAM and work towards PROMOTING!!!!
Nancy Ann provides us with a wonderful recruiting tool every month on her training website. Each month she designs recruiting mini-flyer/postcards featuring the current kit. They are amazing! I print them on white cardstock and type in my info before printing. There are 4 to a sheet. I cut them and have them laying out at booths, home parties, etc. They are very compact but very informative. Print some off and have them available at all your events the next 2 weeks. Her website is www.usborneachievers.com. (Email me for Username & Password!) The postcards are available on the very first page. It would also be a good idea to have some recruiting packets available at your upcoming events as well. I just use the cheap 2-pocket folders (which are on sale at Office Max for a penny right now!) and include the "Monthly Recruiting Pack" which can be downloaded from the CIA site on your consultant website. You can also include a Spring catalog (since you can't use them anymore) and the little recruiting brochures that came in your starter kit.
Let's not let this great opportunity for team growth pass us by!! As people join your team, share with us in the comments below. What a great way to kick off the fall season with new recruits who will have wonderful incentive periods...this is the BEST time to begin a business with Usborne! :)
National Booking Day - August 16!
On Monday August 16th
1. Join Hundreds of Usborne Books & More Consultants in booking 5 events each.
2. Get out your calendar and a pen. Highlight August 17th through September 14th. These are the dates during which to schedule your new events.
3. Get your dialing finger warmed up.
4. Call and Book 5 NEW EVENTS that will be held during the next 4 weeks.
Everyone Who Books 5 NEW EVENTS scheduled through September 14th will RECEIVE: A $25 Usborne Books & More Gift Certificate (added to your OrderPro Online). In addition, your name will be added to a drawing to win one of 5 brand new Usborne Illustrated Stories of Christmas $19.99 (Just arrived at the warehouse yesterday.)
HOW TO ENTER: Email us your Consultant #, name, plus the Names and Dates Scheduled for your 5 New Events to: bookingday@edcpub.com (Contest ends Tuesday August 17th, 8 a.m.)
Don’t Delay, National Booking Day closes Tuesday August 17th at 8 a.m.
FYI...a SALES APPOINTMENT with a librarian counts!!!! So, add your librarians to your list of people to call. Share your successes with us under comments below...we want to celebrate with you! Happy Booking!
Game Time!
Get Ready... Get Set... The Game is about to Begin...
· Six Games: each lasting one week
· First Game begins Tuesday August 17th
For a Ticket on the "All Aboard" Travel Trip
Big Screen TVs, Netbooks, i-Pads & more
Get a touchdown
Make it to the Super Bowl
Win BIG prices!
To enter the weekly Touchdown Drawings:
Submit $375 net personal sales & sign 1 personal recruit during the game
Sign additional recruits to earn more touchdowns each week
To enter the Super Bowl Drawing:
Game Time Recruits:
1. Sell $1,000 net within first 6 weeks in business
2. Find friends to join you & earn additional entries
Coach your Game Time Recruits to sell $1000 net within their first six weeks
Game Time Kit:
To keep the game exciting, the Game Time Kit price will change. The Game Time Kit has a retail value of $180 and includes S/H. New consultants can also choose the Business Kit or $25 Supply Kit. For the first 2 weeks (August 17-23 & August 24-30) the Game Time Kit is only $20!!!
For all the contest details, click on the "It's Game Time!" logo on your consultant site under Links.
This new contest was just announced yesterday by the home office! This is SO EXCITING!!! If there is ANYONE who has shied away from signing up as a consultant because of the kit price, NOW is the time to call them! Let's see how many touchdowns we can make! If you make a touch down, let us know by adding a comment below! We want to celebrate with you! So, go make out a game plan & get ready for kick-off next Tuesday! :)
Very First Reading Series
Usborne Very First Reading is an exciting series of fifteen books for children who are just starting to learn to read. It offers:
- the appeal of imaginative rhyming stories and irresistible illustrations
- the support of a well-researched framework
- the enjoyment of shared reading with an adult
We were so privileged to have Peter Usborne speak about this new series at national convention this year. This is a video of him sharing about this great series of books.
So what do we do with this great series? SHARE it with your school librarians, preschool teachers, Kindergarten & 1st grade teachers, Reading Specialists, and parents!!! The home office has created a great flyer for us to use to market this new series. It is available in the Business Supply Store on your consultant site and in OrderPro under Supplies (Alternate). You can get a pack of 20 for only $1.50! :)
National Convention Awards
National Convention 2010
New Consultant Training - August 21
Fast $50
Have you ever wished you had something extra you could use to encourage those guests “on the fence” about booking a show…off the fence? What would entice those who want you to “Call them in a couple of months” to set a date that night? That’s exactly what the FAST $50 will do!
More benefits of implementing FAST $50 at your shows:
- Multiple bookings!
- Fewer postponements because shows must be held within 30 days in order to redeem their FAST $50 coupon.
- Your hostess is likely to join with the new Supplies Only Kit and the loads of books she’s earning at her show! Plus she sees how easy it is to get bookings.
When used properly, the FAST $50 should overload your calendar with so many bookings you’ll have no choice but to recruit your hostesses! Your hostess should be your easiest recruit; she is clearly in love with the product and just loaded up on her favorites. This means she already has both product knowledge and a display. By offering the Supplies Only Kit, the obstacle of start-up costs is virtually eliminated!
The FAST $50 replaces the $5 special date credit, but is in addition to the current Hostess Special or the Double Merchandise Allowance new consultants can offer!
The FAST $50 is effective on shows submitted between August 1, and September 30, 2010. Get more details about the FAST $50 on your My UBAM page - just click on the FAST $50 icon. You’ll find FAQ’s and printable FAST $50 coupons. Make lots of copies to hand out to every guest at every show!