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Our Newest Team Leader: Mandy Golightly

Katie & Mandy at National Convention this summer

I am so proud of our newest Team Leader, Mandy Golightly!  Mandy began her business in the spring of 2012.  But, it wasn’t until she joined us at Usborne National Convention in June that her business really took off.  At convention Mandy set the goal to promote to Team Leader on October 1.  I don’t remember ever seeing someone’s business change overnight like Mandy’s did.  Mandy left convention so motivated and inspired that she literally spent a good portion of the trip home from convention on the phone talking with potential recruits and sharing her excitement with people about the business.  Her team has experienced AMAZING growth over the past 3 months, and on October 1 Mandy achieved her goal of becoming a Team Leader.  Mandy…we are SO PROUD of you and EXCITED about your growing business.  You have been such a blessing to our team!  Thanks for being our little “ray of sunshine.” :)

Guess what!?!  Any of you can do what Mandy did!!!  Set the goal to promote and let us know so we can help you achieve that dream.  Another takeaway from Mandy’s story is the power of attending Usborne National Convention.  Convention was literally a game changer in Mandy’s business.  Start making plans NOW to join us in Tulsa this coming June for convention.  I can 100% guarantee that you will not regret the decision to go!