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Weekly Highlights

Whew!!! This fall-selling season has been exciting and exhausting! I am SO EXCITED for our gals are awesome! The fall is such a fun time to sell children's books. But, beware...January can be a "slump" for many consultants. They have an amazing fall with their business and then disappear over the holidays only to reappear around Easter. Don't let this happen to you! Keep up the momentum that got you to this point. Start now filling your January & February calendars. January and February are great times to do book fairs for preschools and elementary schools. And, January is a GREAT time for home parties because the home office usually offers double free books that month...although, I can't make any promises. :) Just be on guard and don't let the strides you made with your business diminish in the new year!

Here are some highlights from the past couple of weeks...
  • Jessica Wood (Leighton, AL) had a new consultant join her team...welcome Camilla Austin (Savannah, TN)!
  • Katie Meyerpeter (Chelsea, AL) also joined our team...welcome Katie!
  • Melinda Thompson (Batesville, MS) will be joining us at our training weekend at Lake Martin in February!
I hope all of you have a wonderful time with your families the next couple of weeks!
Merry Christmas!


Congratulations to Jessica Wood!!!

Our team has a new Supervisor! Jessica Wood joined Usborne last December as a way to have a source of income but also be home with her adorable son, Jackson. She sacrificed 3 days away from her sweet son to come to convention this past summer because she knew the impact it would have on her business. Although we had talked many times on the phone, convention was our first time to meet in person. She was so brave to come to convention even though she didn't really "know" anyone else there. She had an amazing week and set the goal to promote to Supervisor this fall. This is a picture of her signing her name on the Usborne Achievers team wall as a way to show that she planned to return to convention next year as a Supervisor.

One thing I have learned about Jessica is that she is an extremely hard worker...when she sets her mind to do something, she is not going to give up! Jessica is the perfect example of what you can do with this business if you just decide you are going to do it and persevere! I am SO PROUD of her and all that she has accomplished this year! Congratulations, are going to be an AMAZING Supervisor!