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If you desire to really build a business with Usborne, then promoting to Supervisor is a necessary step to make this happen. Being a Supervisor means that you have begun building a team...and as a Supervisor you make a 11% override on your central group's net sales! This means a significant increase in income for essentially the same amount of work on your part! If promoting to Supervisor is something you want to do, then NOW IS THE TIME to do it! For the past year, the company has lowered the amount of active and Bronze recruits you need to promote. When I promoted you had to have 5 active and 5 Bronze recruits...until January 1, 2011 you only need 3 active and 3 Bronze recruits!!!! You also need $700 net personal sales and $2000 net group sales the 2 months prior to your promotion. Many of you have already set the goal to promote this fall. If you haven't, why not? The fall is the best selling season of the year! Your new recruits would have an easy time getting to Bronze by booking Christmas home parties. If you want to set a goal to promote to Supervisor by January 1, click on the Power of 3 logo under the Links on your consultant site. Read more about promoting and register to become part of the Future Supervisor Campaign. If you are making this a goal, please let me know...I would love to help you come up with a plan to make this happen!!! And, guess what!?! If you meet the requirements to promote to Supervisor, you will also have earned an iPad or a big screen TV!!! What more incentive do you need! :)
The home office announced this week that the opportunity to win an iPad OR a big screen TV is now available to all Usborne consultants AND supervisors! I'm pretty pumped that I am going to be able to earn one now too!!! :) Be watching on the top of your consultant site for a tracker to keep up with how you are doing.
Remember you need $3500 net sales (retail sales - commission) and 3 Bronze recruits during the months of October - December. So now the question you want an iPad or a gigantic TV??? Don't let this amazing opportunity pass you by! Get out your calendar and get on the phone...make sure you have enough events on your calendar to get the sales you need. And, don't forget to share the business opportunity with never know who could use the extra income, or the books, or just the chance to get out of the house a few nights a month and be around adults! :) So...who is earning an iPad or a brand new TV?